Rescued Paintings

There are a lot of charity shops where I live and a lot of elderly people.  In fact, my town was known for the huge amount of the elderly that lived here.  They used to call it heaven’s waiting room.  That is now starting to change with the influx of young families and the elderly eventually meeting their maker.  It is not so bad living one step closer to heaven – especially as it is by the sea and near the countryside.

Over the last 5 years, I have been rescuing paintings.  I would cruise along the high street visiting every charity shop in sight, mainly to try and find small items of furniture to upcycle to furnish my small house.  Every once in a while I would come across a gem of original artwork, mainly watercolor paintings.  This was way before I tried painting in watercolors.  It is a very sad thing to see a lovely painting in a charity shop.  Most likely it is there because of the demise of someone that either had no family to leave their possessions to, or no-one cared about (or knew the value of) what they had in front of them.  There are many talented amateur artists in this area and we all know that every painting has a story to tell.

I started collecting mainly landscapes. Landscapes are not something I have tried my hand at these last few years, so I collected them because I don’t paint them (yet).  Here are some I rescued and hung up yesterday after my husband finished decorating the dining room.

We have a Victorian House with a picture rail, so I don’t have to worry about bashing nails in the wall.  I’ve already moved these around a few times to get the look I want and there is plenty of room if I want to add any more (maybe some of mine?).

There are various styles and even a lovely pastel painting.  I really enjoy looking at them and am inspired to eventually try painting one of my own.  I like to think that these paintings are of real places and wonder about the people that painted them and what their lives may have been like.  Except for one, I haven’t been able to find out anything about these artists.

This is just part of my collection.  I have more in the loft.  My husband told me I’m not allowed to buy any more since I have spent so much money on paint and paper.  I have to paint my own!  I have been very restrained, so far! 😉

When the room is back to normal, I will put up some more photos and then you will be able to see where I work.