Light, Books, and a Painting

Tulip - A4 - Watercolor on Bockingford
Tulip – A4 – Watercolor on Bockingford

I finished it this afternoon. Basically, I needed to tidy it up. This is from Tulips in Watercolour (Ready to Paint) by Peart, Fiona (2012).  The drawings are already done for you on re-usable tracing paper in A3 format.  I am not ready to paint that large, so I scaled down this painting to one large tulip only onto A4 paper, freehand.  There are step by step instructions.  I don’t have all of the same colors, so I improvised.  I also used a bit of white gouache as I had some issues with paint staining the white I had masked out.  I think painting from books is a good way to learn when starting out – especially if you don’t have a clue as to what you are doing. You don’t have to follow the lessons slavishly so you can choose different colors if you want to.  Mine doesn’t look anything like the tutorial, but I like it.

That’s it from me for now.  Thanks for visiting. 🙂


Hello people.  Working for a living can sometimes sap your energy for doing anything creative.  By the time I get home, maybe walk the dog, make dinner, regroup with the hubby, etc., the light has gone and so has my mojo.  Weekends have been a time of catching up and maybe getting a chance to paint.  I have a painting on the go that I am hoping to finish this weekend.  In order to help me paint more this winter, I have ordered a craft light with a daylight bulb as my eyesight is really terrible when the light is dim.  So I shall endeavor to paint something every evening.

I have quite a few journals that I have started but have not quite filled up.  I am not really a journal person but I am trying to be one.  I have never been one for doodling.  I am beginning to think I am only good at copying things, and not at creating.  I do think some people are naturally creative and great at making stuff up.  I don’t know if you can learn that.  I bought some flowers recently and decided to draw and paint them in my journal.


This isn’t 100% accurate as I left some leaves out.  The rose was done in pencil and watercolor.  Same for the Iris bud below.


I’m not crazy about the paper.  It is 90lb and quite absorbent.  It is probably better for pencils.  I will take this journal to work and take my water color pencils and see what happens.   Til next time.

Playing with Watersolubles

Having a new dog and having finished my second week into a new contract leaves me very little time for painting now.  I have managed to snatch some time on the weekends to play with some of my water solubles.  I have a book,(yes another book!) by Fiona Peart about using water solubles.  I also took the time to make color charts from what I have so that I could also mix/match colours.  I may have 3 boxes of water color pencils, but they all have different colors.  I found the book, and the DVD very helpful in giving me ideas on how to use what I have.

So this is what I did.

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